Friday, 23 March 2012

A Bit of Bling

Based on the title of this post, you may be expecting a bit of something about jewellery, hair pieces or wedding rings, but it's actually about a blingy t-shirt/jumper that I fell a little bit in love with today. A girl at work walked by my desk wearing this today and I couldn't help myself from rather loudly blurting out, 'I need that shirt'....slightly awkward considering I've never actually talked to the girl that was wearing it and had no idea who she actually was. Needless to say, rather than thinking I was a bit crazy (or maybe in spite of) she told me it was current Next. Happy times.

As soon as I got home I searched the Next site and found it. £25 in all it's blingy engagement ring glory, it's a good bet that I'll be happily swinging a Next carrier bag tomorrow morning. Quite possibly the most perfect t-shirt for my hen do, honeymoon and in that pre-wedding week, it's a bridal must have that I felt I had to share in the world of weddings.

Happy shopping!
Thanks for reading,

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